名字:Mary 籍贯:南方 年龄:26 身高:160 体重:53 胸围:C+
普通服务:套吹 调情 黑丝 激情papa 价格:150/30分钟 200/45分钟 250/60分钟
一套龙服务:湿吻 共浴 裸吹 雙飞 69 制服诱惑口爆 毒龙 激情啪啪啪 价格: 300/30分钟 350/45分钟 400/60分钟
特点:皮肤白嫩,胸大,长头发 前凸后翘极品身材熟女,东方温婉的长相,家有男友喂不饱,饥渴难耐怎么好,边赚小钱边偷情,生活刺激又富饶!喜欢美艳成熟的你还绝对不容错过的.骚得冒烟,一起销魂去云霄! 照片是真照,刚拍的
White skinny, big tits, big ass, ecstasy, big honey Mary
Name: Mary Hometown: South Age: 26 Height: 160 Weight: 53 Bust: C+
Ordinary service: set blowing, flirting, black wire, passion papa Price: 150/30 minutes 200/45 minutes 250/60 minutes
A set of dragon services: Wet kiss, share bath, naked blow, double fly 69 Uniform temptation, mouth burst, poison dragon, passionate sex Price: 300/30 minutes 350/45 minutes 400/60 minutes
Features: fair skin, big breasts, long hair A mature woman with a superb body, an oriental gentle appearance, a boyfriend in the family who can’t be fed, how hunger and thirst is hard to bear, making a small money and cheating, life is exciting and rich! If you like glamorous and mature, you definitely can't miss it. Let's go to the sky together in ecstasy!
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