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[大院报告] GINZA 310 LALA-精彩的会议

发表于 2021-3-25 09:53 ===即使用手机,我也要来开搞=== | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我已经很久没有见过Lala了,所以我决定分享自己的经验。  Lala热情地向我致意,我走到她身边,我们互相拥抱在一起,看起来像是一个永恒,然后我们彼此非常亲密地亲吻-Lala记得我不是DFK的忠实拥护者,并开始非常温柔地亲吻我 很快我就变得很热和烦恼……当Lala看到我的小男孩不再那么小了,她悄悄地咯咯笑了,她建议我们去洗个澡​​,这样我们就可以开始主要活动了。 脱下她的高跟鞋,从性感的黑色紧身连衣裙上滑下来,意识到她现在的美貌与我三年前遇见她的那一天一样美丽。 她仍然对自己保持一种飘渺的气质,这使她的个人魅力比照片更美丽。 简而言之,她看起来非常优雅和美丽! 我评论说,她看起来棒极了,穿这件衣服的任何地方看起来都很棒!!

期待另一个Lala淋浴现场时,我差点摔倒了,她一点也不失望! 当我说他很高兴见到她时,拉拉低头看着我的小男孩,微笑着!  Lala慢慢地给我洗了个澡,我要求她不要着急,因为我们今天有2个小时,只能和对方一起享受! 拉拉开始很温柔地洗净我,然后很慢地降低了自己,开始了有史以来最令人敬畏的口交之一! 一分钟后,她开始深深地me住我,直到RBJ向下推她的喉咙,而她在舔着我的球,因为这样做! 真是太棒了!!! 真是太棒了,实际上,我不得不恳求她大约一分钟后停下来,因为我在会议开始不到5分钟就完全失去了负担!  Lala嘲笑我脸上的表情,继续嘲笑我几秒钟...我颤抖的呼吸,意识到当Lala停下脚步并帮助她站起来时,Lala几乎已经评估了我对完美的反应。 拉拉要我晾干,在床上等她。

晾干自己,等待拉拉洗完澡,注意到椅子背上的黑色长袜...近三年来我都没有看到拉拉,因为我一直很喜欢她的皮肤对我的感觉, 但是,当她从淋浴间出来时,她实际上问我是否要她穿这些长筒袜……这是很长一段时间以来的第一次,我说是的,然后她开始慢慢地穿上它们。  .sexy ...男人,在淋浴后,接着是性感的加法动作,我快要负担了,甚至还没有跳到床上!!! 我要求拉拉躺在床的边缘,这样我就可以尝试将她拉到她的边缘! 拉拉高兴地躺在床上,然后我开始非常非常轻柔地亲吻和舔她的阴部,在一个如此疯狂的阶段中,它变得如此缓慢! 我绝对喜欢她的猫咪的味道...现在,Lala让她的头发在顶部稍稍长一些,但侧面非常漂亮,经过激光打磨和光滑。 我设法将她带到边缘,刚刚结束...轻柔的舌头是这里的关键!

在我初次亲吻猫之后,我向拉拉请求了69次...她很同意,在她带着我的小男孩去城里时,我非常非常轻柔地亲吻并舔了舔她。 当我们在69岁开始玩得开心之后,Lala戴上避孕套,用她的女牛仔版本把我顶在上面,然后持续了几分钟,她的长发垂在我的脸上。 正让我非常接近无可挽回的地步,她重击我的力量实在太令人兴奋了……我抓住她的屁股,让她停下脚步,因为这让我失去了控制力,她只是笑了,我们改变了立场 。 当我在宣教士操劳拉时,我忍不住要在床头的镜子里看着我们,这也是我的烦恼,因为我看着慢慢地滑入和滑出...伙计,我并没有持续 在那之后太久了!

总而言之,拉拉仍然是我见过的最甜蜜,感性,美丽的女孩之一。.她的乳房现在已经固定好,它们的外观和感觉都令人着迷。 只要她在工作,我将继续与她见面!
发表于 2021-3-25 12:08 ===即使用手机,我也要来开搞=== | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-25 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
zozozo 发表于 2021-3-25 12:08

发表于 2021-3-25 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-25 19:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-25 19:43 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-25 21:45 ===即使用手机,我也要来开搞=== | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-26 12:51 | 显示全部楼层
Fugster 发表于 2021-3-25 21:45
对不起,普通话不是我的母语。。。我只是看了我发布的翻译,听起来确实很愚蠢。{:7:} ...

mate, you can just post in english or attach a translated mandarin version
 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-26 15:38 ===即使用手机,我也要来开搞=== | 显示全部楼层
As suggested, here is my English version... probably makes a lot more sense now... Haha:

I have been seeing Lala for a long time  and I decided to share my experience. Lala warmly greeted me and I walked up to her and we hugged each other for what seemed like an eternity and then we very gently kissed each other - Lala remembers that I am not a big fan of DFK and proceeded to very gently lip-kiss me that soon had me all hot and bothered... Lala quietly giggled when she saw my little boy being not so little anymore and she suggested that we go and have a shower so we could get the main event started.. I watched Lala step out of her heels and slide out of her slinky, sexy black dress and realised that she is as beautiful now as the day that I first met her. She continues to have an ethereal quality about her that makes her even more beautiful in person than compared with her photos. Simply put, she looks very classy and beautiful! I made the comment that she looks fantastic would look great anywhere wearing that dress!!
I was almost falling over in anticipation of another Lala shower scene and she didn't disappoint at all! Lala looked down at my cock and smiled when I made the comment that he was very happy to see her! Lala slowly gave me a good wash, I asked her not to hurry as we had 2 hours today and to just enjoy each others company! Lala began to very gently wash me down and then, very slowly, lowered herself and began one of the most awesome blowjobs ever! After a minute, she began to deep throat me to the point where the knob of my cock was pushing down her throat and she was licking my balls as she was doing this! GOD it was awesome!!! So awesome, in fact, I had to beg her to stop after about a minute as I was about to completely lose my load less than 5 minutes into the session !! Lala laughed at the expression on my face and continued to tease me for a few seconds longer... I took a shuddering breath and realised that Lala had gauged my reaction almost to perfection when she stopped and I helped her to stand.... Lala asked me to dry off and wait on the bed for her...
Dried myself off and waited for Lala to finish her shower, noticed her black stockings on the back of the chair... I haven't seen Lala in these for a long time as I have always loves the feel of her skin against mine, but, as she came out of the shower, she actually asked me if I wanted her to wear these stockings... for the first time in a long time, I said yes and she proceeded to put them on... slowly...sexy... man, after the shower episode, followed by this sexy addition, I was almost blowing my load and I hadn't even hopped on the bed yet!!!! I asked Lala to lay on the edge of the bed so I could try to take her to her edge! Lala happily lay on the bed and I proceeded to very very gently kiss and lick her pussy ever so slowly in a session that was bordering on the insane! I absolutely loved the taste of her pussy... now, Lala has let her hair grow a tiny bit on top, but the sides are very nicely lasered and smooth. I managed to bring her to the edge and just over... a very gentle tongue is the key here!!
After my initial session of pussy kissing, I asked Lala for a session of 69... she readily agreed and I very very gently kissed and licked her while she went to town on my cock. After we enjoyed ourselves in 69, Lala applied the condom and proceeded to fuck me with her on top in her version of cowgirl , which lasted for a few minutes with her long hair hanging around my face.. I actually asked her to stop as she was getting me very close to the point of no return and the force of her pounding me was super exciting... I grabbed her ass and asked her to stop as she was making me lose control, to which she just laughed and we changed positions. As I fucked Lala in missionary, I couldn't help but look at us in the mirror at the head of the bed and that was also my undoing as I watched my cock slowly sliding in and out... man, I didn't last too long after that!
To conclude, Lala remains one of the sweetest, sensual, beautiful girls I have ever been with.. her breasts have now look and feel sensational. I will continue to see her as long as she is working!
发表于 2021-3-27 17:34 | 显示全部楼层
Nice Review. Thanks for sharing bro
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