
楼主 |
发表于 2020-10-6 10:56
Alice---Little party girl Alice New party 20 yrs student very sunny smile. Very cute and good attitude ,good service .she like party dancing too call 0295679900 to make booking please
娇小玲珑 笑容甜美 好态度 好服务 阳光美女 她是我们每天的开心果
服务:冰火 水中萧 毒龙钻 全身漫游 莞试一条龙服务 预约请打0295679900
Jojo---Beautiful model Jojo,c cup. Slim. She knows how to please her clients,hence the repeated visits with her feels as if she wants to look after you like a king.over all service is very good.。她不仅年轻貌美 而且热情奔放 想要皇帝享受的你 一定要记得打0295679900 预约她喔
Kiki---New 20 yrs old girl Kiki. D cup. Slim.etty face always smile,she is very friendly. Gentle service you likes your girlfriend.highly recommend today Please call 0295679900 to make appointment
新20岁年轻女孩 笑容甜美 性感美丽 天然粉嫩大波 24 寸黄蜂腰 ,服务好有耐心又全面,今天强烈推荐 别错过喔 请打0295679900 预约
Naura---New 20 yrs old Laura,perfect next door girl who want to do many naughty things with you!.come to teach her how be your girlfriend because she is new for this job. Call 0295679900 to make booking
年轻漂亮 美丽大方 邻家女孩 她需要哥哥们的调教 因为她还是个没有长大 依赖性极强的刚下海的小女孩。预约请打0295679900
Address:39 Albyn st Bexley
Trading hours:10am-12am midnight every day