[影片片名]:30次探索性的機遇 [中文字幕]
[影片又名]:30 Beats (2012)
[平均評價]:★★★☆→3.7 顆星. (IMDb評價)
[影片大小]:1.05 GB
[影片格式]:AVI (D9→轉制AVI)
[影片尺度]:三級 (USA:R)
[影片演員]:Condola Rashad, Justin Kirk, Jennifer Tilly, Jason Day, Paz de la Huerta, Lee Pace, Vahina Giocante, Thomas Sadoski, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Ben Levin, David Forman, Antone Pagan, Aliyaah Hashi, Ronald Guttman, Jean Rene Mbeng.
[語種發音]:英語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
[影片內容]:時裝.成人.劇情.情色.喜劇.愛情. 等.
[影片片商]:Production Co: Latitude 49 Production.
[回覆附註]:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!!
紐約,夏日,劇中一共有10個人物,他們傳遞接力一樣一棒接一棒的戀愛做愛,其實故事很大膽,有三人行,S/M, 破處,陽痿男,姐弟戀,同志愛,性狂,在慾望的世界裡周遊了一圈之後,結尾卻很陽光,一對處子相遇,假如沒有之前發生的事,他們的愛情會不會有些不同。
New York City, in the heart of summer: a heat wave transforms the city into a tropical zone. Ten characters are drawn, one after the other, into a ring of love and desire, each one caught beyond his or her control in a chain reaction of seduction, impulses and self-discovery.....