名字:阿曼达 Amanda 籍贯:英国香港混血 年龄:21 身高:170cm 胸围:36D+cup 价格: 450/1h 800/2h 1200/3h 2000/10hours 特点:火爆英港Face,S黄金身材系混血美人,时尚大气,犹如好莱坞偶像。前凸后翘身材匀称,女团般的身材。五官美艳,神情魅惑。爱健身,性格好,易沟通,女友感十足!依柔依野‘住摸不透,欲罢不能,疯狂上云霄,爽到爆炸! Top British and Hong Kong Face, S golden body is a mixed-race beauty Name: Amanda Amanda Origin: British Hong Kong mixed race Age: 21 Height: 170cm Bust: 36D+cup Serve: Price: 450/1h 800/2h 1200/3h 2000/10hours Features: The popular British and Hong Kong Face, S golden body is a mixed-race beauty, fashionable and atmospheric, like a Hollywood idol. She has a well-proportioned figure and a girl group-like figure. The facial features are beautiful, and the expression is charming. Love fitness, good personality, easy to communicate, full of girlfriend feeling! Yirou Yingye 'I can't figure it out, I can't stop, I go to the sky like crazy, it's so cool to explode! 1- Line ID :0426702800
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